NOTE:  Dr. Schack's e-mail address is now

From:                                         Jim Gottstein

Sent:                                           Wednesday, June 13, 2024 2:03 AM Central Daylight Time


Cc:                                   ; David Russell

Subject:                                     Betrayal of David Russell


Dear Dr. Schak:


I wrote you on May 8th asking you to get the court order authorizing you to Electroshock Mr. Russell against his revoked (vacated) because he was concerned you or someone else might change their mind about not shocking him against his will.  We understand David was informed around 2:00 PM yesterday, June 12th that you are going to have him electroshocked against his will on June 13th.  This is a betrayal of David.


David said his questions about such things as how many times you plan to electroshock him, what you expect to accomplish, or even why you decided to subject him to electroshock when you had previously informed him you had decided against it were not answered.  David suspects it is because he has been telling people about the corruption he has knowledge of.  Even if David is incorrect about the corruption, it is no justification for electroshocking him.  My guess is it is at least partially true.  Psychiatrists label people as delusional all the time when they are telling the truth.  The most recent prominent example is Alexander Morris being put in straitjacket after the hospital not believing he was in the Four Tops when he went in for heart problems of which he had a history.  One of my clients, Bill Bigley, was similarly testified against as being delusional for saying there was a story in The New York Times about him when there was.


Even if Mr. Russell is incorrect about the corruption, that is no reason to electroshock him against his will.


Contrary to your sworn testimony to the court in order to obtain the electroshock order,  electroshock is very harmful with virtually no benefits to the patient.  See the information on the Electroshock page of the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) website.  I like to think the January 24, 2011, PsychRights letter to the Food and Drug Administration is a good summary.   


The United Nations has concluded Electroshock can constitute torture in violation of International Law.  See, UN Human Rights Council. (19 June 2020). “Mental Health and Human Rights: Resolution 43/13 Adopted 19 June 2020.” A/HRC/RES/43/13. Geneva: United Nations; UN Human Rights Council. (20 Mar 2020). Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Report of the Special Rapporteur. A/HRC/43/49. Geneva: United Nations; Méndez, Juan E. (4 Mar 2013). “Statement By Mr. Juan E Méndez, Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.” Geneva: United Nations. See also the related Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Juan E. Méndez (2013), A/HRC/22/53. Geneva: United Nations.


So, Dr. Schak, you are going to be perpetrating torture if you allow Mr. Russell to be electroshocked against his will.


Please have it stopped.




Jim Gottstein

MindFreedom International

(301) 987-4466 (Direct)

(301) 363-9248 (Main Office)


Author of The Zyprexa Papers