Jill Kesti MindFreedom Shield Alert Auxiliary Page


Since the comments function on Jill's MindFreedom Shield Alert Page, this is a place for actions that could otherwise have gone in the comments.

From: Jen Sand
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2024 6:56 AM
To: shield@mindfreedom.org
Subject: Re: MindFreedom Shield Alert: Jill Kesti Needs Your Help!


      This is Jennifer Sandowsky and I just called and spoke with Marcy using extension #251. I explained that I am a friend and advocate of Jill Kesti and I am asking for the immediate release of Jill, also explaining the last time Jill endured being taken from her home and injected against her will, her last cat that she loved died from lack of care. So to please send her home and her cat! 

      I also asked if I can speak with Jill to ensure she is ok, Marcy explained I need a 4 digit code so Jill can call me with that code I left my name and number.  I just wanted to share with you that this call was made just now.

 Have a good day!



From: tweetybird777
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2024 2:22 PM
To: MindFreedom Shield <shield@mindfreedom.org>
Subject: Re: MindFreedom Shield Alert: Jill Kesti Needs Your Help!

 Hello from afar in New Zealand...Just to let you know that Jill has been helping me and my family here in NZ with my son Simon whom they the establishment here are wanting to do the same here with Simon with threats etc.

 We three-my other older son (Aaron) helps because we all live together are going into our local hospital in Wellington our capital city to have a confrontation with our Capital Coast District Health Board on Mental Heath to what they have done from 2013 with misdiagnosing my son Simon with Vit B12 deficiency then over a period of time calling it schizophrenia. This is on July 4th this week at 3pm to let you know.

 He also has gone from bad to worse with brain damage. And the outpatient Psychiatrist wants to put him on more drugs another benzo after he came off of this then was given like Jill the jab once a month. Haldol. Oh and also because he is still on our Mental Health Act then they can do anything they want.

 Back in early intervention they call it they wanted to give him ECT also. We made a declaration and signed by us 3 that no way would they be giving him this.

 My son Aaron wrote to our Health and Disability Commissioner and they fobbed him/us off too as mentioned the local MH now are meeting with us this Thursday.

 Oh what can we all do? Jill has been such a FB friend and uplifter for me with what is going on in my/our situation.  

Thinking dearly of her and she will be in our prayers.

 We do not have an advocate, a help person, no-one so we have to take our stand in our situation alone...

 Please let Jill somehow know we love her from afar and stand with her in spirit to what people can do to other people...sad...

 I won't say more about what we all here have been going through as it would take pages and pages of typing...this is why we want to start up MINDFREEDOMNZ as there is no organisation either to call these people out and am sure there are others that feel the same as we do but there is now where for people to come to.

 Thanks for sharing this

Sending our Kindest regards




From: Laura Borst
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2024 2:00 AM
To: shield@mindfreedom.org
Subject: I called the number to speak on behalf of Jill Kesti


I tried to call Jonathan Dargo. The phone system said “we can’t take your calls”. I then called the same number following the instructions to dial 2 and then 0. The nurse answered my call. She claimed that “we don’t keep people here” and “we don’t retaliate” in the superficially polite protocol. She also stated that I would need a code number to contact Ms. Kesti due to privacy regulations. I politely explained my concerns.

From: hunting.a.home
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2024 5:10 AM
To: dargojon@msu.edu; shield@mindfreedom.org
Subject: Re: Jill Kesti


Dr. Cargo,

As a member of Mindfreedom, RELEASE Jill to her home and cease forced drugging. She is not a harm to herself or others and this drugging and incarceration is not needed nor wanted. It constitutes torture and violation of rights.

How much money are you making to do this horror?

Linda Cohen

Member of Mindfreedom